Ive noticed it has challenged me with my photography as well. I've been trying to practice using Manual on my camera and using more natural lights. Really hate using the flash...
Heres Week 2:
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Page 1 is just some little journals about funny things Maxie has said during the week like talking in 3rd person?? plus a photo of Harps when she wakes up in the morning. She has does the biggest stretch each and every morning. Its those little things that I never want to forget :)
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This page was a little journal about Max and Harper and how I just LOVE watching them together. Maxie is such a good brother and have yet to see him to do anything to his sister but cover her in kisses and cuddles. The top photo is one particular day where he was giving her raspberries and she was laughing her head off! She is a VERY smiley baby but she is hard to get to giggle but that day she was just in saw of her big brother :) ahhh warms my heart
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So cute Miss B, finding her toes this week...
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This week felt like the hottest week ever. We spent a day at Rockpool which was sooo much fun BUT I still cannot wait till winter. Wish it snowed here :)
Untill next week...
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