I often feel bad that I don't take many photos of Maxie but he is not a huge fan of the camera. I have 1000s of Harper so when I get that perfect photo, it makes me happy. Especially one that captures his awesome smile.
We had to pick up my mum from the airport and were running a little early, so what do you do? Find the nearest ally and take some photos! These were with my new iPhone 6 Plus but I wish I had my good camera. Max was actually letting me take photos and I love how they turned out. I think part of the reason was because he loves that shirt - he thinks it hilarious there's a mustache riding a bike LOL
5 things about Max Daly
(this is what he is called most of the time, not just Max but Max Daly for some reason lol)
1. You are currently learning about the solar system at school but you are just loving it. As soon as you get in the car, you are quizzing us on everything to do with planets.
2. We have enrolled you in a new school as you are doing a 'refresher' in Prep. I know you will be brave and can handle the challenge.
3. Your favourite thing at the moment is red iceblocks. You could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner - if you were allowed
4. You ask me everyday if we can go to movieworld. Literally every.single.day.
5. You are an awesome son & big brother to Harps. We love you so much and make us prouder more and more each day.
He is SUCH a cutie Natalie, love these photographs.