Better late than never! I have had this sitting in my draft box for a few weeks and finally finished it off.....
Well this week we celebrated our Harps 3rd Birthday. I would say it was more like 'Birth week' as oppose to 'birthday' as she definitely made it last the week.
With so many presents still unopened from Christmas, we didnt go overboard on the presents and took B to Target on her actual birthday to pick out what she wanted. We thought she would go crazy but she was content to just check everything out.
Here is a quick few questions all about B
1.What is your favorite color? PINK
2. What is your favorite toy? FAIRY TOYS
3. What is your favorite fruit? BANANA
4. What is your favorite TV show? DOC MCSTUFFINS (cutest thing ever when you sing the song)
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? HAM SANDWICH
6. What is your favorite outfit? Anything that goes with your KITTY SHOES
7. What is your favorite game? HIDE AND SEEK (and drawing on Mums walls)
8. What is your favorite snack Green Chips (chicken chips)
9. What is your favorite animal? RABBITS (Ackerly!)
10. What is your favorite song? JUSTINE CLARKES Watermelon & Dancing Face
11. What is your favorite book? PRINCESS FAIRY TALE BOOK that Dad reads to you. Its all about Princess Harper
12. Who is your best friend? MAX DALY
13. What is your favorite cereal? WEET BIX
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? BLOWING BUBBLES
15. What is your favorite drink? ANY SOFTRINK
16. What is your favorite holiday? So far it has to be HALLOWEEN. You loved dressing up and running around day 'trick or treat' and of course because of all the candy
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? YOUR 10 DUMMIES (or mines as you call them)
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? PEANUT BUTTER OR HONEY TOAST
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? PEPPERONI PIZZA
Happy 3rd Birthday our sweet B. You bring us so much joy & laughter xx
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