Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Week in the Life | Day 4

Day 4 was a pretty average day as we didnt have anything excited planned.  It was a gorgeous day so it was nice to spend some time outside.

Here is Day 4:


  1. documentingchaos1 May 2012 at 04:28

    Great photos Nat. Love the one of Harper asleep in the car :)

  2. Love the main photo! Just wondering where you print out your photos?

  3. HI Kristie, thanks for looking and for your comment. I print them all at home. I just bought an Epson Artisan 835 and its really good. Just with small kids its hard to get them printed at the shops... ink gets pretty expensive after a while.

  4. They look great! Totally understand the kids situation, I have three girls, they were three under 3 1/2 years so shops not much fun for us either! Does it print 12 x 12 sheets? Thx for your help!

  5. No unfortunately. I actually just got an order back from Persnickety Prints and they do 12x12 and they are absolutely gorgeous!!! I am so happy with them. They are US based so I got some instagram prints printed as well and its just $10 flat postage.
    12x12s are $1.99 but they have specials quite often... http://persnicketyprints.com/ incase you wanted to check them out :)
