Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Project Life | Week 21

Wow winter was really here this week.  Mathew was home for the week as they are still on strike plus with days off, so it was nice to just chill at home.

We went shopping for winter clothes for the kids.  Love shopping for new wardrobes for the kids.   I started the Ali Edwards 31 project - better late than never.  I am really enjoying it and just want to use it to improve my journalling.  I take heaps of photos and dont really write down the stories or funny conversations.

On Wednesday night, I went to a parent night at Maxs daycare which was great as it was talking about how they educate the kids and how to read to your kids.  This has lead us to spend more time reading to Max and even his first trip to the library.

Harps turned 9 months this week :(  Time is going too fast.  She even started sleeping unwrapped this week.

Max has been obsessed with The Simpsons lately and when Mathew asked him what does Bart say, his response was 'Bite my pants!' think that was meant to be 'eat me shorts' lol

Harps has been all about  Peppa Pig.  If Peppa is on, dont even try talking to her as she is in the Peppa Pig zone. Its precious just watching her smile and giggle along with Peppa and George.


  1. Great pages Natalie :) Great that you got so many photos in those 2 pages and nice to have some of all of you :) Love the 'bite my shorts' - my son is 12 and has been obsessed with the Simpsons for ever and often he quotes things from there and compares all things in real life to the Simpsons (just a friendly warning of what may be coming lol)...he also used to get in the 'Teletubbies (!)' zone when he was about Harper's age - so cute :). So nice to have all those moment s captured :). Lovely :)

  2. Thanks for your comments Beth... thanks for the heads up with The Simpsons. If I trip over or something he makes that Nelson sound, you know that Ha Ha... noise. Cheeky!

  3. documentingchaos29 May 2012 at 22:57

    Lovely pages Nat! Love the Peppa Pig zone. Flynnie is like that with Thomas
