Monday, 14 May 2012

Project Life | Week 19

We had such a good week with Mothers Day and May Day so it was all about family this week which I loved.


Highlights for this week

- A lovely Mayday Monday spent at Rocky Botanical Gardens with the Baxters and Laura - gorgeous :)

- A new haircut for Max

- Mothers Day

- A visit from our gorgeous friend Megan and Sarah

Here is my layout for Week 19:

I included a before and after shot of Maxs haircut... he usually HATES  getting it done but we said if he sat still we would buy him a truck. When you make promises like that he ALWAYS remembers.  There is no getting away with it.  Also, The Real Housewives of New Jersey has started again which I am super excited about.  I dont really watch that much tv but LOVE that show....  the trashier the better.

I used these 6x12 page protectors to put in a collage of our day at the Botanical Gardens on Monday with the Baxters and Laura.  Was such a gorgeous day and had a little BBQ.  Will have to make more of an effort to do it more often.  Im even thinking of having Harps 1st birthday party there as its so nice.

I made another A4 collage from Mothers Day.  Was such a lovely day being spoilt.  Mathew and the kids got me this necklace that I have been wanting for ages with all their names on it... Love it!

Officially the best mum in the World - certificate to prove it.

We had a lovely visit from the Walker twins... so nice to catch and see what young people are doing lol...

I just included a little story as although Harps is a happy baby all round, she is especially happy at bath time... she could stay in there for hours if I let her.

This is a quote I saw on Pinterest and we can relate to is at this stage in our lives.  It really puts things in perspective.

I have an addiction to buying Harps handmade gorgeous clothes and took this shot and am in love with it.  She is just so photogenic and could photograph her all day :)

 I will be linking up with The Mom Creative for Project Life Tuesday. Click over there for more Project Life blogs and inspiration!

Thanks for looking :)


  1. documentingchaos14 May 2012 at 16:24

    Great layouts Nat - love the photo collages. That photo of Harper is amazing - your photography just gets better and better :)

  2. Great jam-packed week documented - love the haircut bribery with the truck! :) ... Your Mother's Day necklace is gorgeous...Love those :) ...and your photo of Harps is just stunning, absolutely gorgeous :)

  3. Thanks :) Helps to have a cute little model...

  4. Thanks for your sweet comments Beth...

  5. Great week Nat. Love your layouts, that photo of your daughter is beautiful!

    Looks like you have been doing a lot of fun socialising :)
