Thursday, 10 May 2012

Project Life | Week 18

Highlights for this week...

~ went to the local park so Max could ride his tractor

~ Making a card for Poppy Thomas

~ Took the kids to the beach for a sleepover with Jack and Sam

Here are my layouts...

[caption id="attachment_394" align="aligncenter" width="408"] Max and his tractor[/caption]

I wanted to add this photo of Maxie on his tractor - he was so happy just cruising around the park on his trailer.  It was good as the park was empty (which is strange as its beautiful) so he pretty much had free range.

I kind of just wanted to get this week done. I'm still really liking PL but just trying to get the time to sit down and actually do it.  I always make an effort to try and stop on top but lets see how long it lasts :)

1 comment:

  1. documentingchaos11 May 2012 at 05:13

    Great pages Nat - love the photos of Harper yawning!
