Thursday, 31 May 2012
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Max at 3 Years
Project Life | Week 21
Wow winter was really here this week. Mathew was home for the week as they are still on strike plus with days off, so it was nice to just chill at home.
We went shopping for winter clothes for the kids. Love shopping for new wardrobes for the kids. I started the Ali Edwards 31 project - better late than never. I am really enjoying it and just want to use it to improve my journalling. I take heaps of photos and dont really write down the stories or funny conversations.
On Wednesday night, I went to a parent night at Maxs daycare which was great as it was talking about how they educate the kids and how to read to your kids. This has lead us to spend more time reading to Max and even his first trip to the library.
Harps turned 9 months this week :( Time is going too fast. She even started sleeping unwrapped this week.
Max has been obsessed with The Simpsons lately and when Mathew asked him what does Bart say, his response was 'Bite my pants!' think that was meant to be 'eat me shorts' lol
Harps has been all about Peppa Pig. If Peppa is on, dont even try talking to her as she is in the Peppa Pig zone. Its precious just watching her smile and giggle along with Peppa and George.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Project Life | Week 20
Here's my layout for this week:
I didn't really want to add many embellishments as I thought the photos are nice as is.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Project Life | Week 19
Highlights for this week
- A lovely Mayday Monday spent at Rocky Botanical Gardens with the Baxters and Laura - gorgeous :)
- A new haircut for Max
- Mothers Day
- A visit from our gorgeous friend Megan and Sarah
Here is my layout for Week 19:
I included a before and after shot of Maxs haircut... he usually HATES getting it done but we said if he sat still we would buy him a truck. When you make promises like that he ALWAYS remembers. There is no getting away with it. Also, The Real Housewives of New Jersey has started again which I am super excited about. I dont really watch that much tv but LOVE that show.... the trashier the better.
I used these 6x12 page protectors to put in a collage of our day at the Botanical Gardens on Monday with the Baxters and Laura. Was such a gorgeous day and had a little BBQ. Will have to make more of an effort to do it more often. Im even thinking of having Harps 1st birthday party there as its so nice.
I made another A4 collage from Mothers Day. Was such a lovely day being spoilt. Mathew and the kids got me this necklace that I have been wanting for ages with all their names on it... Love it!
Officially the best mum in the World - certificate to prove it.
We had a lovely visit from the Walker twins... so nice to catch and see what young people are doing lol...
I just included a little story as although Harps is a happy baby all round, she is especially happy at bath time... she could stay in there for hours if I let her.
This is a quote I saw on Pinterest and we can relate to is at this stage in our lives. It really puts things in perspective.
I have an addiction to buying Harps handmade gorgeous clothes and took this shot and am in love with it. She is just so photogenic and could photograph her all day :)
I will be linking up with The Mom Creative for Project Life Tuesday. Click over there for more Project Life blogs and inspiration!
Thanks for looking :)
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Project Life | Week 18
~ went to the local park so Max could ride his tractor
~ Making a card for Poppy Thomas
~ Took the kids to the beach for a sleepover with Jack and Sam
Here are my layouts...
[caption id="attachment_394" align="aligncenter" width="408"]
I wanted to add this photo of Maxie on his tractor - he was so happy just cruising around the park on his trailer. It was good as the park was empty (which is strange as its beautiful) so he pretty much had free range.
I kind of just wanted to get this week done. I'm still really liking PL but just trying to get the time to sit down and actually do it. I always make an effort to try and stop on top but lets see how long it lasts :)
Week 18 | Photo of the Week
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Photo of the Week
I took this photo just before Mathew was heading back out to Blackwater for work. There is such a special bond between Harps and Mathew. Her face just lights up when he walks into the room. This photo just says it all to me.
I am sharing this post on Deb Duty’s wonderful blog for This or That Thursday. Check it out for lots of photography inspiration...
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Week in the Life | Day 7
Not sure yet how I will print it or if Ill include it in PL ... just happy that its done and can back to normal PL....
Here is Week 7:
Week in the Life | Day 6
Here is Day 6:
Week in the Life | Day 5
Week in the Life | Day 4
Here is Day 4: