Week 10 was a quiet week at first and then at the end of the week I received a call from my sister saying my Nan was in the hospital in Sydney & it wasnt looking good. My Nan is the best Nan you could ask for. I was so many fond memories of her and I hope I can be half the Nan she was to me.... but that is wayyyyyyyy down the track. It was heartbreaking to see her how she was. Love you Nan xoxo
Here is Week 10
Excuse the bad quality but the photos are so bad. I need to look into how to take better photos. On the Friday we had to take Harps for her 6 month needles :( OMG I dread this more than anything but it has to be done. Its funny how their personalities and characters develop more and more each day. She has definately becoming more independant with wanting to feed herself and loving her finger foods but whenever Ollie comes on the TV she stops what she is doing and has to watch. She usually has a cute little smile on her face especially when he sings... I think its a he???
[caption id="attachment_215" align="aligncenter" width="590" caption="Right Page"]
The right page is a few pics from the trip to Sydney with my sister Laura. As bad as the reason was as to why we had to go, it was nice to spend some time with her, fly home and especially see my Dad, my brother and his kids. Laura and have a slight obsession with Kikki K and are always buying online and then when we saw the actual shop at the Terminal we squealed like little school girls... HAD to take a photo...
I made Lasagne for the 1st time ever (well from scratch anyway) and it wasn't too bad for my first attempt. I included some of the funny things Maxie has been saying and couldn't resist another photo of Max and Mathew crashed out in bed... just melts my heart... and finally included a photo of Harps asleep in my arms. Something I wish I had more of Max of as they grow up way too fast and its such a sweet moment.
Well that's week 10... have to remember to look into taking better photos of my pages...
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