April Photo a Day
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Fat Mum Slim April Photo a Day
April Photo a Day
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Project Life | Week 12 – March 19 to March 25
Week 12 was such a great week with Max's 3rd birthday on the Monday. We spent the morning at Crazy Joker and went to Big W where he spent his birthday money on surprise surprise - cars. This weeks layout is a mix from the Monday birthday celebrations, Mathew first footy game with Brothers and a few bits and pieces.
The photo of Harper above I LOVE as this is after her very first taste of chocolate cake and OMG did she love it! Chocolate lover like her mum :) the photo next to it has to be one of my all time favourites - a special moment of Harps and her Nan caught of camera.
This is a template I have found and included in this weeks layout as it includes the guest list, some highlights from the party, food etc. Thought it might be nice to document the day.
I included this collage of some photos from the day. Awhina Williams a friend of ours came and took these gorgeous photos. Love her for it :)
I included Maxs birthday cards and have just placed in a plastic envelope. Not sure if I will keep it in our PL as it is quite bulky.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the black and white shot of Max in the cubby house, his fire engine cake was a big hit and he was asking for it the next day. When I would ask him 'Did you have a good party' he would answer 'Yay fire truck cake ' and a photo of him in his outfit... he looks so smart in the Ralph Lauren Polos...
I found this questionnaire on etsy here and just thought it was just a nice idea to document where Max is at and what he is into. You ask the same questions each year. Love the idea...
Heaps of photos on this page. Had such a good time on Saturday - it was my sister's birthday so we went and watched 'The Hunger Games'. I wouldn't say they are as good as the books but definitely a great movie. We went to dinner at Megalomania and OMG the food was the die for... I wasnt really keen for dressing up or drinks but so glad that I went. Plus it gave me a chance to wear my new, very overpriced, jacket.
I had to include of copy of this bill. My aim with PL was to keep it positive and focus on the good goings on in our life but I almost died when I saw how much our electricity bill was. I know of people who had an ever bigger bill but nearly $1000 just blows my mind. I feel so bad for the people who can't afford to have air cons on as it was a HOT summer.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Happy 3rd Birthday Max Daly!
Here are some great shots from the day...
My Father in Law actually bought the pig from the Animal Farm. Her name is Pumba and he just hangs out at my mother in laws house and follows all the dogs around and sleeps with him - just part of the family.
Harps & Aunty Peta Maree
Brother & Sister Love
Overall it was a fantastic day and the birthday boy had a blast and that is all that matters,
Maxie is our little miracle & I still cannot believe 3 + years ago we started on our IVF journey till the best moment when we finally got to meet him and hold him in our arms. From seeing him as a tiny little frozen embryo to the awesome little man he is today. Love him to bits.
Project Life | Week 11 – March 12 to March 18
Max's fire engine cake arrived on the Friday and was so just wanted to show him . The poor thing was that sick I had to keep him home from day care as I just wanted him to rest so hopefully he was a little better by his party on the Saturday.
How cool is that green high chair thing from Ikea... gosh I wish there was an Ikea in Rocky. Probably better for our bank account that there's not but its not even that expensive. Will have to make a trip to Brisbane one day...
Project Life | Week 10 - March 5 to March 11
Week 10 was a quiet week at first and then at the end of the week I received a call from my sister saying my Nan was in the hospital in Sydney & it wasnt looking good. My Nan is the best Nan you could ask for. I was so many fond memories of her and I hope I can be half the Nan she was to me.... but that is wayyyyyyyy down the track. It was heartbreaking to see her how she was. Love you Nan xoxo
Here is Week 10
Excuse the bad quality but the photos are so bad. I need to look into how to take better photos. On the Friday we had to take Harps for her 6 month needles :( OMG I dread this more than anything but it has to be done. Its funny how their personalities and characters develop more and more each day. She has definately becoming more independant with wanting to feed herself and loving her finger foods but whenever Ollie comes on the TV she stops what she is doing and has to watch. She usually has a cute little smile on her face especially when he sings... I think its a he???
[caption id="attachment_215" align="aligncenter" width="590" caption="Right Page"]
The right page is a few pics from the trip to Sydney with my sister Laura. As bad as the reason was as to why we had to go, it was nice to spend some time with her, fly home and especially see my Dad, my brother and his kids. Laura and have a slight obsession with Kikki K and are always buying online and then when we saw the actual shop at the Terminal we squealed like little school girls... HAD to take a photo...
I made Lasagne for the 1st time ever (well from scratch anyway) and it wasn't too bad for my first attempt. I included some of the funny things Maxie has been saying and couldn't resist another photo of Max and Mathew crashed out in bed... just melts my heart... and finally included a photo of Harps asleep in my arms. Something I wish I had more of Max of as they grow up way too fast and its such a sweet moment.
Well that's week 10... have to remember to look into taking better photos of my pages...
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Project Life ~ Week 9 ~ February 27th to March 4th
Here is Week 9:
Excuse the dodgy black and white photo in the middle. I had my first attempt of using rub ons and it didnt go so well. Need to reprint... one day :) My nearly 3 year has been throwing the worst tantrums, throw himself on the ground type tantrums and how do I react. Take a deep breath and take a photo!
After being stuck in the house we decided to take the kids to the local zoo & Max LOVES to feed the ducks... was nice just chilling out as a family. I forgot my good nikon camera so had to use my iPhone. Photos didn't turn out too bad. LOVE the photo of the 4 of us... I used the Instagram app which also gave me a chance to use these American Crafts page protectors. Cannot even remember buying them!
On the back I just printed some of my favourite photos on my phone for the week. I have been practicing my "photography" and love how the one Harps with her little nappy covers on... the light in her room in the afternoon is perfect. Helps to have a cute model too... love her little jeggings and she finally fits in a pair of shoes! The photo of the 4 of us at the bottom is me playing with the remote I got for my camera. so much fun and it nice to get natural photos. Some afternoons we just all chill out in Harps room and play and Max does his little sing and dance show for us. Her room just has a really nice energy about it...
Our Day in the Life collage from March 1st...
Lost count of how many times we have watched Bolt this week and Max has loved reading "Dear Zoo" over and over. I love seeing how kids are like sponges and he just takes so much in. On Wednesday I took Harps to get her ears pierced :( which I sort of regret. She looks grown up! Pretty but grown up...
As I mentioned in my previous post, my Dear Lizzy scrap stuff arrived from the US so was dying to use it. I had already journalled how I was photo mad this week so I attached this button - isn't it just the cutest!
Monday, 5 March 2012
Project Life Blog Hop | Day in the Life
I have almost completed Week 9, but my layout for Week 9 is going to include an insert for 'Day in the Life' which I attempted for the first time on March 1st and LOVED it. It was a little exhausting but definitely worth it. As posted on the Project Life Australia Facebook group, most people did theirs on the leap day 29th February but Maxie was at kindy that day so I decided to just do it on the 1st instead...
Here it is:
There are so many photos that I could have included so am thinking I may do a 'Week in the Life' next time. I love the layout for Ali Edwards that I have used and found it really easy and used her documentation
I have had to post a few hours early due to the time differences. -The bloghop goes live at 8:00 EST (US) on 5 February. The next blog to hop on over to is:
DEVON at http://www.youhadmeatneurotic.com please pop over and share the PL love
Other participants can be found at:
Jill http://jillconyers.com/
Margie http://xnomads.typepad.com/
Donna http://www.joyfullydonna.blogspot.com/
Tamara http://tamararoach.blogspot.com.au/
Alissa http://lifeonlakeland.wordpress.com/
April http://capturethememories.blogspot.com/
Noelia http://www.noeliaevangelista.typepad.com/
Sharon http://projectsofmylife.wordpress.com/
Jennifer http://vogtstories.blogspot.com/
Sarah http://documentingchaos.wordpress.com/
Arlene http://craftymomma-ph.blogspot.com/2012/02/project-life-2012.html
Sunday, 4 March 2012
It has arrived!!
Photo a Day {March}
Heres mine so far.
DAY 1 | UP
Love that it is Autumn too ~ BRING ON WINTER!
Friday, 2 March 2012
Project Life ~ Week 8 ~ February 19-24
Here is Week 8:
Max got a shovel and wheelbarrow from Nan and Pop which he loved and had to play with - in the nude as per usual...
We have been putting it off for a while now but decided now was the time to get Max off the bottle. Waking up 2 or 3 times for a bottle plus Harps waking up twice a night is killing me... He was asking for it the first night but hasn't asked for one since. Fingers crossed its as easy as the dummy was...
I was really happy with how this layout turned out with the chevron pattern and the thickers on top. Have a huge crush on chevron at the moment - would love to wallpaper our room like that... I wish!
I was happy with this week but I cant help but take so many photo of the kids. I didn't want it to be a tribute album but it seems to be turning out that way... oh well.
Harp Rolls Over!
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/36746691 w=400&h=300]