Kellie from
Give a Girl a Blog came up with the awesome idea of selecting one photo from each month to see how your 2013 looked. What an cool idea! Any reason to go through photos and I am there! I have to say it was quite hard selecting just one photo for each month but it was actually nice going through all the photos and reminisce. I thought we as a family had a quiet year but there was still heaps happening and lots of memory making which I love.
Here is how our 2013 looked:
January | While Dad is away for work this is how we pass the time. Lots of dress ups and crazy play.
February | Rockhampton was hit by severe floods and so of course we had to check it out.
March | Max celebrated his 4th Birthday with cupcakes at 'the kids' and a party at Crazy Joker
April | Easter Sunday spent at Emu Park
May - Nothing better than time with the cousins
June - celebrating Dad's Birthday @ the farm
July | so grateful our kids have the best grandparents & they adore them
August | B celebrated her 2nd Birthday!
September - just an ordinary everyday moment at the Daly's
October | too much fun dressing up for Halloween for the 1st time. Max HAD to be a skeleton
November | Family Vacay to Airlie to celebrate my birthday & our 7th wedding anniversaire
December | Christmas time with my best friend
Thanks Kellie for the idea - loved every minute :) bring on 2014!