Monday, 4 June 2012

Project Life | Week 22

Nothing too overly exciting happened this week but I still managed to take heaps of photos so I decided to do a 4 layout spread and even included an insert.

Here is Week 22:

The weather was gorgeous this week so we too the kids for a bike ride.  It was lovely.   It was also the Queens Jubliee celebration ( not sure what that exactly means lol) and so I included these adorable printables.

I have 6x12 page protectors and I really wanted to do something with them. Max has been so good with letting go of some of his comforts(dummies, bottles) and this week was 'sleeping in his own bed'.  I really felt like I had something I wanted to get off my chest so I thought I might try and go a little deeper lol.  I think the Ali Edwards 31 Project has brought it out in me :)  I am a little behind in the project but this weeks PL was as a big job but Ill catch up. Fingers Crossed.

I LOVE the photo of Max in the bath.  Shows what happens when I turn my back. The little cheeky monkey had poured more bubble bath in and there were bubbles everywhere.  Max is flat out staying in the bath for 2 minutes, but that night - could not get him out.

I also bought B her first little Cabbage Patch doll.  I had one growing up and couldnt resist getting her one.  It smells just like mine used to. Just the smell of it brings back so many memories.

This layout is mainly from the weekend. We had such a good weekend with meeting Jack and Lucas at Crazy Joker. OMG it was packed but it was so good just letting the kids go wild.  On Sunday, we headed to the farm to see Nan and Pop. Max got to go on the tractor with Pop and help with some gardening. He is such a Pops little boy. Everything is about Pop.  Harps even got her first taste of chocolate and she could not get enough. All over her face and fingers. Priceless.

I picked up Max from kindy on Friday and this is how I found him.  He had made this adorable cape and face painted like Batman, although he kept telling me he was Spiderman.  I love when he has such a good day with the kids at kindy.  Makes it all worth it.  He has gotten better telling me all the things he did during the day.  I had to include the photo of Max in my shoes.  He has a hat and shoe obsession so of course he has to try on my shoes.  He makes me laugh like no one does.

 I will be linking up with The Mom Creative for Project Life Tuesday. Click over there for more Project Life blogs and inspiration!

Thanks so much for taking the time to look.  Would love any ideas or suggestions you may have :)


  1. documentingchaos4 June 2012 at 22:26

    Great pages Nat! Love the 6x12 story about Max and as always all of your photographs are fabulous.

  2. Thanks Sarah :) Just checked out your layout - Love it!

  3. Love the photos and this weeks layout. Where did you find the printables for the queens jubilee? I love them.

  4. I got them from that Mooo site. They have printables that you can download when something is on... Ill try and find the link for you :)
    Thanks for looking and your kind comments :)
